The Story Goes On And On


Thursday, March 04, 2010

when people are getting more and more busy each day with their lives, they tend to forget the wonderful people that they have around them. you can't blame them if you're forgotten coz you'll be that way too when things got you tight up. instead of whining about people forget you, make an effort of saying hello or maybe asking how are they doing. you won't know that it could make your friend's day.

life's busy schedule really drifting people away. imagine you're too busy for the whole week that you didn't even get to meet your love one. when you get the chance to meet, things goes smooth until at one point of time, it goes haywire. what would you do?

there are just things that we need to think through carefully before it might get worse. lesson learnt, never to let anger gets control of you!

well, been missing lately and here's a proper update

The Dude

Muhammad Shaifulridzuan
19 years of age
Christ Church Secondary('08)
ITE College West(Clementi)
Service Management


aida* aishah* aisyah norman* ameera* alya* amanda* atykah* aqilah oreth* azwina* deena* eenaaa* emilyza* fahzirah* farihin* fuzzy* ghufran* halame* idayu* impiannyawa* intan* irah* isya* kaiyisah* keng yip* molly* natalie* sakinah* seri* shah indra* shahirah* sharieana* suzliyanti* yana* yuki*



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