The Story Goes On And On


Monday, July 05, 2010

I was pretty amazed by the guest that made the reservation yesterday. How thoughtful of him to actually reserved for 20 person just for a reunion with his primary school mate. the best part of all, their teachers that taught them was invited too. but maybe the ones that taught them till they graduate because there were only 3 teachers.

looking at them when they were there, it was really awesome! guess it's been years they have met as a group. they graduated in the early 80's. imagine how many years was that.

well, hope that their friendship last. it's really nice to see the way they are unite as one regardless of rest and backgrounds.

maybe it's something that god sent for me to show me to value the friendship i have. be it friends from childhood, primary school, secondary school, ITE, work place or maybe in the future to come, to treasure and value them all. it's amazing if i can retain those friends i have now.

The Dude

Muhammad Shaifulridzuan
19 years of age
Christ Church Secondary('08)
ITE College West(Clementi)
Service Management


aida* aishah* aisyah norman* ameera* alya* amanda* atykah* aqilah oreth* azwina* deena* eenaaa* emilyza* fahzirah* farihin* fuzzy* ghufran* halame* idayu* impiannyawa* intan* irah* isya* kaiyisah* keng yip* molly* natalie* sakinah* seri* shah indra* shahirah* sharieana* suzliyanti* yana* yuki*



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